Immutable Alpine Linux in bhyve 11 feb 2023 | Last updated: 11 feb 2023 16:18
Many things don't have proper installation docs any longer and are only provided as Docker (or podman) images. I set out to run Docker on FreeBSD with a minimal Linux using bhyve.
Secure sudo without password 19 sep 2021 | Last updated: 29 dec 2023 00:00
Secure usage of sudo without passwords
Killing the "Internet of shiT" 23 mar 2019
The only IoT device in my LAN is the inverter (ca. 400V DC to 230V@50Hz AC) for my solar panels. I don't like devices that do not/can not update in my network. Now that the website I used to pull the measurement data from is changed (and thus broken) I decided to reverse what the device does and build my own service.
Improving my mail server setup 27 may 2018 | Last updated: 27 may 2018 00:00
After switching from SpamAssassin to rspamd for spam classification I wasn't completely happy yet with the separation I had achieved. More and more I find myself splitting off functions on my server into jails and I wanted to achieve more separation of unauthenticated content processing with storage of data.
The simplest LetsEncrypt for Apache 10 sep 2017
is by far the simplest way to add LetsEncrypt signed certificates to your Apache httpd server. Just add one line of configuration and you're done!