About brnrd | Bernard Spil | Sp1l | Barnerd

My name is Bernard Spil and my day-job is Solution Architect Enterprise Application Integration with additional engagements in infrastructure architecture, security architecture and enterprise architecture.
I live in Heeze-Leende in The Netherlands (close to Eindhoven) and use multiple aliases. I alternate between

  • Barnerd (IRC),
  • Sp1l (GitHub, Twitter),
  • brnrd (FreeBSD, this blog)
  • Bernard (my given name at birth).

In my free time I like to run, swim and cycle (not necessarily in that order) and tinker with computers, software and networks.

Besides that I have several volunteering engagements

  1. Core-team member HSLnet (local FttH cooperative)
  2. Contributor Bits-of-Freedom Privacy Café (Dutch digital rights organization)
  3. FreeBSD ports committer a. TrueOS ports committer (LibreSSL fixes) b. HardenedBSD src committer (LibreSSL in base)


In the FreeBSD Operating System project I am a mentored ports committer. Currently I maintain the LibreSSL and MariaDB ports. I'm a member of the apache team for FreeBSD ports.

Next to that I maintain a large number of patches that allow building projects with LibreSSL, which has some unsafe features removed, or allow building with an OpenSSL that was built with SSLv3 disabled.


HSLnet is a not-for-profit cooperative that aims to connect all homes and businesses in the municipality of Heeze-Leende.

Currently all of the homes within the 4 villages of Heeze, Leende, Sterksel and Leenderstrijp have a fiber connection or a bundle of cable buried underneath the pavewalk for later connection. Every home has 2 fibers, one for DVB-C-over-Fiber for the analog and digital TV signals, and one for the gigabit internet connection. The minimum plan is 100/100Mbps yet the providers are delivering 150/150Mbps as standard.

As a member of the core-team of HSLnet we advise the Board of Directors and the Members Council on technical and organizational topics.

Privacy Café

Privacy Café is an initiative of Bits of Freedom, a member of European Digital Rights.

In a "Privacy Café" you can learn how to better protect your personal data as a means of digital self-defense. The meetings generally start with a presentation from one of the "stamgasten" and continues with hands-on sessions. People bring their laptops, phones and questions and a team of "stamgasten" helps them protect their privacy on the internet.

This blog

The blog is created using Pelican which is a static page generator. I use the w3-personal-blog template which I've edited to suit my needs. You can find the source (markdown) files and the modififed theme on my GitHub repo.

All in all I've found this very easy to use for a non-webdev like me!

Your privacy

  1. The site doesn't use cookies
  2. There's no google-analytics embedded
  3. All the Social Buttons are static and hosted from brnrd.eu

If you find anything on this site that violates your privacy in any way, do let me know! To my knowledge, all I have is my Apache logs. That means that I know your IP-address and the pages/resources you've visited.