LetsKencrypt 18 jun 2016 | Last updated: 08 aug 2016 00:00
This page describes a setup to renew LetsEncrypt certificates with the LetskEncrypt client which has LibreSSL/libtls as its only dependency, uses chroots and drops privileges.
PasswordSafe on FreeBSD 29 apr 2016
I've used PasswordSafe for many, many years to keep my passwords safe and make it easy to use unique passwords whereever I can. Last year I adapted the Linux version (0.96) to run on FreeBSD. As I was reinstalling my laptop to run the experimental PC-BSD I thought it was about time I checked my earlier work.
Fixing failing ports for Hardened/LibreBSD 17 apr 2016
HardenedBSD ran an exp-run
with LibreSSL in base. This was expected to uncover a lot of issues where ports check the OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER
to determine if a feature is available. To my surprise, it only uncovered 12 ports that failed due to these version checks.

Enabling Galera clustering for MariaDB 10.1 27 mar 2016
One of the features I've been asked for repeatedly to add to MariaDB is Galera Clustering support. As of MariaDB 10.1 there's no separate Galera version, clustering support must now be added with the software from Galera. I'm just a casual user of MariaDB so I'm not running any of these advanced features myself.
Goodwe logging to PVoutput 13 mar 2016
Wasted a whole weekend creating an additional script to download data from Goodwe's portal and uploading it to PVOutput. This I think is the only IoT device I currently own, a solar power inverter. I already had a "Live" script and this adds a "Historic" script.